First of all, you need to decide what really means large and small penis size. It should be noted right away that everything is relative in this matter. Some men have a fairly large penis at rest, but with an erection it may turn out to be small, while other men have a small penis at rest, and when an erection occurs, it increases significantly in size. There is also no correlation between penis length and thickness. Some men have a long penis, but thin, others have a thick penis, but short, again, everything is relative.

With regard to research,the average member of a normal sexually active man is more than 14. 5 cm. . . Most men have a member 15-16 cm long.
It should be noted that you should not be fooled by pornographic films, where every man has a large penis. In fact, the actors are specially selected and they do have a larger than average penis, and they also use visual tricks to make their genitals even bigger.
What role does penis size play for women?
The question that interests most men. While many women argue thatpenis sizeis not important for them, and it's all about the right technique and a loving partner who treat them well, this is only half the truth. In anonymous surveys, the number of women who claim that penis size is important to them, at least from an aesthetic point of view, is significantly higher than when examined face-to-face. This fact does not mean that a small penis cannot satisfy a woman, it does not mean that you cannot have an ideal sex life withsmall penisbut the harsh truth is that size does matter for most women. Don't panic if you have a small penis, according to a joint study by several research institutes, 70% of all women are happy with their partner's penis size, while only 50% of all men are happy with their own penis. Thus, the contrived problem is more real.
Good news.Too big dick is not good eitherif a man has a huge penis, this can cause a woman discomfort during sex and even pain. The average vagina, being very extensible, is only about 11cm. Thus, an average or slightly smaller than average penis can have its advantages, especially if anal sex is practiced.
Is it true that penis size is determined by genetics?
Definitely yes if you have a large or small is mainly determined by your genes. Sons of fathers with a large penis, most often also have a large genital organ. For sons whose fathers havesmall dickoften have the same modest size. There are, of course, exceptions, but in general genes play a major role in size.
Can the diet, pills, ointments, creams and gels advertised on the Internet increase the size of the penis?
Neither food, nor any supplements, pills, gels, creams and ointments affect the growth and size of the penis. . . This is why all the so-called penis enlargement pills offered on the Internet just don't work, you shouldn't believe the advertising gimmicks. All of these pills and ointments can slightly increase penile blood flow, which can cause artificialincreased erection, but the effect stops immediately as soon as the man finishes taking the pills and rubbing the gels into the penis. Ultimately, the man counts the wasted time and the money he paid for the inconsistent effect.
On the resources for the sale of funds for penis enlargement, doctors are smiling temptingly from the covers of the sites, there you can also find fictional studies conducted somewhere in third world countries, read delusional reviews from famous porn stars, but in fact, this is a huge financialscheme. This is a very profitable business selling cheap herbs for space money. As a rule, all penis lengthening and thickening products are made in China, do not have genuine certificates and can be hazardous to health. Some sites write that their products are manufactured in laboratories approved by the Food and Drug Administration, but this does not mean that the product itself is controlled by this department, like drugs in certified pharmacies. Worse, many of these tablets contain undeclared substances to trick the consumer into believing the product is working great. There are hundreds of different so-called penis enlargement pills, including some very famous and popular brands. The hidden ingredients of a drug are often commonsildenafil,tadalafilorvardenafil, substances used to treat impotence and premature ejaculation. While these drugs can help patients with erectile dysfunction, they can also have dangerous side effects and interactions with other drugs. Don't risk your life and avoid taking questionable pills, no matter how tempting adverts or fake reviews sound. Speaking of reviews, try to leave your reviews on such advertising sites, you simply won't be able to, because all the reviews and comments are invented.
Can surgery increase the size of the penis?
Yes, it is possible without a doubt. For men with a small penis, surgical lengthening or thickening of the penis is often the only real help. The operation to lengthen the penis is called "Ligamentotomy". Such an intervention involves cutting the ligament that supports the penis, which leads to an elongation of the penis by 3-4 centimeters.
Thickening of the penisIs a procedure that aims to increase the volume of the penis. To make the organ thicker, doctors resort to installing Ultrapro mesh under the skin or injecting the patient's own fat into the penis, this procedure is called lipofilling.
Correctly, the penis enlargement operation performed is completely safe, it does not worsen an erection, does not leave visible scars and does not predispose to other complications.
In Ukraine, plastic urologists have accumulated significant, practical experience and knowledge in terms of penis enlargement operations, but, unfortunately, there are very few such specialists so far. The largest practice in the operative enlargement of the penis in Ukraine has such cities as Nikolaev, Kiev, Kharkov.
Can an extender, stretcher or vacuum pump enlarge the penis without surgery?

Extenders, stretchers, vacuum pumpsbecoming more and more popular, they are often sold for a lot of money. Urologists - andrologists reasonably advise to stay away from such devices, because their independent use can lead to chronic damage to the corpora cavernosa, tunica albuginea, nerves and vessels of the penis. In the worst case, using penis enlargers and extenders canlead to erectile dysfunction. . . Although many urologists warn about the dangers of using extenders, stretchers and vacuum pumps, these warnings are often ignored by men. Often, patients trust websites because they are attracted by fake certificates, false patient reviews, recommendations of non-existent doctors, photographs before and after penis enlargement that were taken in Photoshop.
Canjelqing (jelq) make my littlemember more?
Jelqing or training of the penis. The cheapest method of magnification, since jelq does not need any accessories that need to be bought. At its core, jelqing is a regular massage that a man does to himself. Jelq can be compared to masturbation in a semi-erect state. The jelqing technique consists in stretching the penis with your hands, squeezing, stroking, rotating. But it should be noted right away that not a single official research has confirmed, at any rate, the slightest benefit from jelqing. All information that jelq increases the penis is based only on questionable reviews and delusional articles on forums and sites. It will definitely not work to enlarge the penis by training, but at the same time it is quite possible to earn a penis injury and impaired erectile function. It is impossible to ignore the appearance of the psychological fixation of men against the background of jelq training. Men, embarking on the path of jelqing, get quite upset not getting the desired result, which leads to fear of sexual intercourse and negatively affects erection.
What other ways are there to make your penis bigger?
Even without a real increase in size, it is possible to make the penis larger, both at rest and during erection.The easiest way is to shave your pubic hair.if these hidden 1-2 centimeters suddenly become visible, it will already be impressive. In case a man has a few extra pounds, the loss of fat in the groin can visually enlarge the penis. True, this is a purely optical increase, but a simple and quick way to the penis is inexpensive and without surgery.
What is small penis syndrome (SMS)?
Contrary to popular beliefs,small penis syndrome is a mental disorderand refers to the syndrome of body dysmorphophobia. In fact, this is a wrong perception of your own body. Men who suffer from body dysmorphic disorder believe that their penis is too small, they are obsessed with this thought, but at the same time the size of the penis is completely normal. Symptoms are severe and include anxiety, depression, isolation from women. This is a fairly rare psychological disorder and is often caused by negative personal experiences, such as rejection of a woman and other sexual problems. If you think that your penis is tiny, but at the same time it is of normal size, then it is better to seek professional help from your doctor.
Is there a relationship between penis size and premature ejaculation?
A small penis is usually the same as a large penis, but surprisingly there is some correlation, many men with relatively small penises claim to cum quickly. From a purely medical point of view, this may be a coincidence, but not a psychological one. Regardless of how important or insignificant the size of the penis is for a woman, men with a small penis still feel insecure. This insecurity leads to stress and psychological stress, which contributes to too early ejaculation. After such an unsuccessful, quick intercourse, more stress occurs and the next time ejaculation occurs even faster, such a cycle is difficult to break. This is the main reason why penis enlargement often helps in prolonging the time of sex.
Small penis and self-confidence.
Last but not least, the biggest small penis problem- it is not the penis itself, but a man tied to it. Each member is different and unique, you can have a fulfilling sex life even if your size is less than average. Always keep in mind that most of the pleasurable sexual sensations women experience during intercourse come from her clitoris, not from her vagina. In addition, it is important for a woman not only what is between your legs, but what kind of person you are and how you treat her. This is probably the most important and valuable piece of advice I can give: try not to stress about the size of your manhood, a big dick will not magically make you happier and more attractive to women. Don't let your penis size control your self-esteem.